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[SAS Character Functions] COMPRESS()

요맘때10 2022. 11. 9. 13:40


오늘은 SAS Character 함수 중 COMPRESS 함수에 대해 알아보자.



: 문자열에서 특정 문자를 제거



a or A adds alphabetic characters to the list of characters.
c or C adds control characters to the list of characters.
d or D adds digits to the list of characters.
f or F adds the underscore character and English letters to the list of characters.
g or G adds graphic characters to the list of characters.
h or H adds a horizontal tab to the list of characters.
i or I ignores the case of the characters to be kept or removed.
k or K keeps the characters in the list instead of removing them.
l or L adds lowercase letters to the list of characters.
n or N adds digits, the underscore character, and English letters to the list of characters.
o or O processes the second and third arguments once rather than every time the COMPRESS function is called. Using the O modifier in the DATA step (excluding WHERE clauses), or in the SQL procedure, can make COMPRESS run much faster when you call it in a loop where the second and third arguments do not change.
p or P adds punctuation marks to the list of characters.
s or S adds space characters (blank, horizontal tab, vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, form feed, and NBSP ('A0'x, or 160 decimal ASCII) to the list of characters.
t or T trims trailing blanks from the first and second arguments.
u or U adds uppercase letters to the list of characters.
w or W adds printable characters to the list of characters.
x or X adds hexadecimal characters to the list of characters.


data a;
length a $100.;
a='AB C D EFG     HI J'; b=compress(a); output;
a='456-8877-0641 AB 234-5678-9012 cd'; b=compress(a,'ABCD'); output;
a='456-8877-0641 AB 234-5678-9012 cd'; b=compress(a,'ABCD','k'); output;

proc print data=a;

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